September 03, 2024
UncategorizedSANDAG Recognizes MGBW at Diamond Awards
Each year, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) recognizes organizations for their efforts in promoting sustainable commute choices in the workplace at an event called the SANDAG Diamond Awards. Marine Group Boats Works is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a SANDAG SILVER AWARD for its efforts to reduce traffic and offer commuter solutions to its employees. This is a step above MGBW’s Bronze Award that it received last year. From commuter surveys that you’ve seen in the past to future programs that MGBW plans to implement, SANDAG’s commuter program will offer boatyard employees a variety of transportation options, such as vanpools, carpools, and public transportation in an effort to reduce emissions and meet employee needs. Marine Group Boat Works will be recognized at the annual Diamond Awards Luncheon on Sept 17th among other organizations that have made the move towards environmentally conscious transportation methods. For more information on SANDAG, please visit sandag.org.